13 Feb

Financial Planning is basically the study of the financial position of an organization, both as regards income and assets and assessing it against the financial requirements. Financial planning is also the process of determining the capital needed and estimating its competition through analysis of different financial tools such as the balanced scorecard and other comparable financial performance measurement tools. Finally, it is the procedure of framing appropriate financial strategies in relation to investment, procurement and tax administration of resources of an organization.

Financial planning is also used to align the interests of an organization with its long term goals and objectives and thus play a key role in its long term viability. The purpose of a Financial Planning process is to establish long term financing requirements for this company . Typically, organizations adopt a broad range of strategies to achieve their short and medium term goals. However, if an organization is concerned about the sustainability of its balance sheet, it cannot be able to adopt one particular strategy for the entirety of its operations. 

Financial planning therefore involves identifying the drivers of the savings needed and developing a long-term savings strategy that would enable it to achieve long term savings. This process is further accompanied by the identification of a current financial situation that could affect the financing needs of the organization. To learn more on financial planning kindly visit:https://shorefp.com/

An important factor that is considered by most organizations when they undertake a financial planning process is to set a specific goal as regards savings. The most common goal that is identified is'Gross Savings per Dollar of Revenue'. Other goals might be 'Growth to Gross Revenue', 'End Debt ratio' and various others. The overall objective of the organization's savings targets should be determined in line with its overall strategy.

Another important aspect of the financial planning process is setting a specific timeline for achieving the desired savings targets. Usually, it is advised that organizations develop and implement their own timelines to achieve their goals, which are developed on the basis of the current and future circumstances. This enables them to measure progress and identify appropriate corrective steps. The financial planner also helps in aligning the organization's objectives with its short and medium term actions and future expectations.

It is also important to include an overall financial planning strategy for the long term at the planning stages itself. This is particularly necessary for large organizations that need to forecast the direction of its resources in the future. It is very helpful in determining the management of the organization's assets and liabilities in the long run and what role it will play in delivering its objectives. This would go a long way in achieving the desired short, medium and long term objectives.

Finally, a sound financial planning strategy makes sure that the budget set is well aligned with the organization's objectives and the resources available. It also ensures that the objectives are within the reach of the target group. In other words, all the stakeholders in the organization are satisfied with the objectives achieved. Therefore, it is advisable to have a financial management plan that involves regular monitoring of the objectives, which is called for at each stage of financial management. This helps to ensure that the plan remains effective and in turn offers the best value to the stakeholders. Get more info related to this topic on this page: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Financial_planning_(business).

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